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Morning Rec

Morning Rec

Morning Rec is a very important part of the resort daily activities. Counselors should conduct activities which involve as many of the resort children -- of different ages -- as possible.

This is the time of day when the youngest children need the most attention, and the counselors should focus on crafts and kids games for this group. The older children should also be gathered for some type of activity.

Suggested Morning Rec Activities:

Sea glass hunt

Arts and Crafts projects (see reference books)

Sailing lessons on the beach

Sand sculptures/castles contest

Scavenger hunt

Treasure hunt

Rock painting on the beach

Ping-pong tournament in the Den

Nature walk and collecting items for collages

Bubbles and sidewalk chalk


Face painting

Tennis Tournaments

Pool Games

Swimming lessons

Games and puzzles in the Den (for rainy mornings)

Trips to town, with parental approval for each child (for rainy days)

Special Events:

Kitsi Hubbard Memorial Lighthouse Swims: Usually held on Saturday mornings when enough participants present; counselors must verify that each participant has completed 75-lap qualifying swim in the pool; kids completing swim receive award.

Fourth of July Parade: On the morning of July 4th the Morning Rec is decorating bikes, scooters, strollers, etc. with red, white, and blue for the annual Fourth of July Parade. The counselors supply the materials. These might include: small American flags; red, white, and blue streamers; balloons; masking tape; shiny pipe cleaners; poster board for signs; etc. Anyone who wants to be in the parade goes to the Den during Morning Rec to get ready. The parade is held right after lunch in front of the Clubhouse. Counselors should provide marching band music (put a tape or CD in a portable boom box and pull it along in a wagon), and the kids can throw wrapped candy to the spectators lining the parade route. The parade starts in front of the Manager's cottage, continues past the Clubhouse, then turns around and passes back in front of the Clubhouse for a second time.


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